Rachel Maddow on the 2012 election

Rachel Maddow speaks on the 2012 election. I’m glad there are professionals to say these things because I don’t have the time to construct something so well-put myself. Let me quote my favorite part:
“Ohio really did go to President Obama last night. And he really did win. And he really was born in Hawaii. And he really is legitimately President of the United States, again. And the Bureau of Labor Statistics did not make up a fake unemployment rate last month. And the Congressional Research Service really can find no evidence that cutting taxes on rich people grows the economy. And the polls were not skewed to oversample Democrats. And Nate Silver was not making up fake projections about the election to make conservatives feel bad. Nate Silver was doing math. And Climate Change is real. And rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes. And evolution is a thing. And Benghazi was an attack on us, it was not a scandal by us. And nobody is taking away anyone’s guns. And taxes have not gone up. And the deficit is dropping, actually. And Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. And the Moon landing was real. And FEMA is not building concentration camps. ANd UN election observers are not taking over Texas. And moderate reforms of the regulations on the insurance industry and the financial services industry in this country are not the same thing as communism.”
And, lest this seem too far to the left for you, let me also quote our good friend Michael Specter, who is as enthusiastic about the promise of GMOs as I am: “You have the right to your own opinions, but you don’t have the right to your own facts.” Hopefully this election is, if anything, a mandate for a facts-based discussion.